Toad in the Hole Recipe A simple, tasty classic English dish. Here in the UK, toad in the hole (strange name) 😬 is sausages c...
Strong Roots Copycat Recipe Black kale and quinoa burgers are easy to make and they are delicious. Oh my goodness, I've gone...
Cottage pie recipe with cheesy mash - ultimate comfort food! The recipe for shepherd's pie is the same. The only differenc...
Easy Dan Dan Noodles (spicy Szechuan noodles) Dan Dan Noodles (Dan Dan Mian) are spicy Sichuan noodles with pork in a fiery ch...
Air fryer Sweet and Sour Chicken My favourite of all air fryer recipes. You will love this Chinese fakeaway recipe. Health...
Vegetable Chilli with Lentils and Beans My vegetarian lentil chilli recipe is so wonderfully easy to make and it is delicio...
Caramel Muffins The plan is to cram as much caramel into each muffin as possible! Moist, fluffy muffins are ready in just 30 mi...
Greggs Copycat Recipe Come on, who doesn't love Greggs? A delicious combination of mature cheddar, potato and onion crammed int...
Stuffed Peppers Recipe Cheesy stuffed peppers are really easy to make, a tasty side dish that goes perfectly with chicken. ...
Lemon Cheesecake Recipe This zesty no-bake cheesecake recipe is easy to make and if like me, you can't be bothered wit...
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